Tuesday, August 13, 2019

New Building - Almost...

Last week Kyle finally drove over
to the offices of the builders
and sat until somebody showed up
and asked "WHAT THE HECK?"

He spoke with the Dad who is kind
of the "silent partner".
It's his son's gig.
But he said honestly they were totally
on track (back in MAY)
until the concrete guys came in and messed
up the entire schedule.
So they moved on to other projects and
since Linda and Gina aren't very vocal,
his job kept getting pushed back.

He PROMISED they would finish the building
they were working on that day or the next and
then they were going to bring their entire crew
and all their equipment and not leave until 
they were completely done.

It took them longer than anticipated to get there...
but they HAVE been working hard for the
past few days.

It almost looks like a building!
The 16' door is laying on the floor.
He's a little sad about that one, lonely, tiny window.
But realistically, when you open the doors
you don't really need a window.
I guess.

That's another 16 footer.
It is also laying on the floor.
So at least they are THERE.
Which is more than you could say last week.

He is using a wide angle lens so it looks bigger
than it really is... but it's not bad! 
While he was out there he was pleased that it
wasn't as HOT as he thought it might be.
There have been heat warnings all week...
"Feels Like" 115+.
Which is normal for you Arizona people,
but unusual for we Florida folks.
(And he REALLY misses his ocean breeze!)

He's excited for them to get finished for real so he can
start loading it up with all the equipment
that has been outside.

They still need to find and hire an electrician
to run the power, but Kyle wants to have Rod
come up and walk through with him and help
him decide where are the best places to
put in the different power sources.

But it's getting closer!

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