Thursday, November 14, 2019


While I was gone for the weekend,
Kyle gave our Bougainvillea its
"winter trim".

Notice the LARGE patch of dead grass in front.
It was a BIG plant!
And that is Kyle's bedroom window to the left.
It was covering half his window.
And more importantly, banging against the glass
during the night.

But he cut it all back.
It will look better in a week or two.
This stuff is a WEED!
(As you know!)

However, he left it in a pile in the yard.
I started to haul it off in this.

I graduated to this.

One1 load in the wheelbarrow and one load in the truck
and I was done.

Doesn't look nearly as impressive out there.
And the yard trash guys coming later today
might not be happy about it.
But I figure if a little old lady can load it up
into her truck and haul it out there,
they can load it up into their truck and haul it away.


And it does look MUCH better.

Thank you Kyle!
*But next time, what about cutting it INTO the truck...

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