Wednesday, February 19, 2020

I Got a Boo Boo

Several months ago I went to the Dermatologist.
I had a dot that I wondered about.

He said it was nothing.
But there was ANOTHER dot next to it
that he was a little suspicious of.
And yup, the biopsy came back
squamous cell carcinoma.

But Derms out here in the Sunshine State
are rare as hen's teeth so they are BUSY.

The soonest I could get back in was Feb 18.

And yesterday that day finally came.

But it's just a DOT.
So I wasn't nervous or anything.

Yeah, whatever.

After like 25 injections to numb a huge
area on my arm, they moved me to
the surgical suite.

And then after more prep we got down
to business.

He opened my arm (no pain, but you CAN feel
EVERYTHING... and since I butcher my own
animals I had a very vivid picture in my mind
of what was going on...) and then he said
"Hmmm, this is a BIG cancer..."

Well, thanks!
You could have kept that comment 
to yourself...

An hour later I was finally done.

The incision is about 4 inches, vertically on my arm.
Yesterday the only thing that bothered me was
the vet wrap. It is pretty stiff and was pinching
my elbow and kind of making me crazy.

But I faithfully sat on my couch with my little
lunch box ice pack and a tea towel
(held together with a chip clip... hahahaha)
and it never hurt.

This morning I (carefully) fed the animals
and then got dressed to go into the Town Hall.
By the time I got there, it was kind of achy.
And since I'm not allowed to bend over,
workout, or lift anything for 2 weeks,
there wasn't much I could do there today.
I could type, but honestly, that didn't sound
like something my arm wanted to do.
So I visited for a bit and then came home again.

I'm counting the hours (48) until I can
take the wrap off.
And then I'll probably put another one on, but
I'll pad it with some gauze first... (grin)
I have some pretty RED vet wrap.
And maybe some green, and yellow...
I have a bunch of rolls out in the barn.
I'm gonna rock all the colors!

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