Monday, February 3, 2020

Toasty Toes

I had a good class this weekend.
We ended up with 12 students,
which is a good size.

But I was TIRED by the time 
yesterday was finished.

This morning I actually slept until
8:30! Which is unusual in a hotel bed...
and then it was up,
walk across the parking lot to my
favorite little Mel's Diner for some
breakfast and then drive to
Rural King to pick up my feed order.

They still didn't have any beet pulp pellets.
Darn it.
Maybe next week.....

And then it was, turn on the Kindle to
read the last of the Harry Potter books
to me as I drove across the state.

When I got home, I unloaded the feed
that I DID get into their barrels out
in the barn and then went inside to
open the mail.

I got a present from Mom!!!!

It's chilly in my house tonight,
so I'm VERY EXCITED to have 
some brand new Toasty Toes!

Thanks Mom!!!!!

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