Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Well... if that isn't a riveting title...
I don't know what is!
Draws you right in, doesn't it?
I continue to amaze myself with
my writing skills...



Yesterday Rod had a re-check on his
glaucoma since the last time he was
REALLY tired and actually fell asleep
during the test.
They turned the lights off!
What did they expect?


He stayed awake this time and did
better, but his vision is still non-existent
in the lower left quadrant of his one eye.
They other eye compensates for it
so he sees fine, but when you test each
eye individually, its pretty apparant.

And then his pressure was up in that eye as well.
And was up a little last check as well.

It's been 10 years since his last laser treatment.
So his Dr. suggested we repeat the laser
and get ahead of this rather than chase it later.

So Thursday morning at 8:30 he is going
in for another laser treatment to release
some of the pressure in his eye.
She said since it worked well the first time,
it generally works almost as well the second.
And then the next time it will likely require
surgery - but this should hold that off for awhile.
Years, maybe.

Prayers would be appreciated!


"Stubby" greedily ate all his breakfast this morning.
(He dribbles, so I feed him on a paper towel bib...)
(Stubby is a good uni-sex name since we have
no idea of his gender at this point. We are going
with male, just because...)

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