Monday, May 24, 2021

Tender Mercies

 Call them what you want.
Some people say Tender Mercies.
Others say Love Notes.
Others call it God Winks.

But whatever your chosen moniker... 
It means a moment when Heavenly Father
reaches out and gives me a little nudge.

Just to let me know He is mindful and loves me!

Mine generally revolve around music.
Maybe that's the only time I'm paying attention???

I got a fun one yesterday.

We had to drive over to Sebring (2 hours) to
attend their Ward Conference for my Stake
calling in the Primary.

It was a lovely drive over and a nice conference.
They have gone "live" for 2nd hour and they
did an amazing job with their Primary.

On the way home I offered to drive because Rod
had a million things going through his mind and
I don't love it when he drives distracted.

I was driving.
(The big black truck.)

We were driving through the farmlands of Florida
and enjoying the beautiful scenery and also
some beautiful hymns on my Pandora LDS Hymns channel.

As we were driving, a medley of Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
and some other hymns came on (instrumental).
That is one of my favorite hymns.
But I love the WORDS.
I realized as I was listening, that I haven't heard ANY
vocals on my LDS Hymns channel in several weeks!
And I listen to it often!
I must have doing something to the algorithms...
Who knows.
But I'd sure like to hear the men's choir sing
Poor Wayfaring Man...

And the next song was the men's vocals of
Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief.

Isn't that the coolest thing?!?
So little.
So insignificant.
So NOT life changing.
But SO important to ME!
Just a little "here" because I asked.
And He answered.
(And I didn't even really ASK!)

I felt loved.
And blessed.
And loved.


We have also been blessed with a great garden this season!
Florida isn't really known for its potatoes.
But Kyle planted a small row of purple potatoes
because what's the point if you can't have FUN?!?

We harvested them last night,
roasted a hand full for dinner and I just washed the rest.

Aren't they beautiful????
And tasty!


And sometimes the blessings AREN'T tiny.
But they are still blessings and we are grateful.

This morning while I was teaching I got a text from Rod.
One of his co-workers tested positive.
So they sent him to get tested and if it comes back negative
he has to stay out until Thursday.
And if its positive he has to stay out until its negative.

So he headed to the quick clinic to get a rapid test.

And it's NEGATIVE!!!

So he's healthy
AND we get to spend a couple of days together!!!!
(Double WIN!)

I love blessings!

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