Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Harvest Right

 Guess what FINALLY came?????

I got a BONUS (for being an awesome teacher... HAHAHAHA)
and we decided to use it to buy a terrific tool!

However, we got it on Tuesday and on Wednesday
we all got sick.
So it sat in the garage.

(It has to sit undisturbed for 24 hours anyway...)

We opened it up on the driveway and inspected
it for any damage (there wasn't any)
and then put it into the garage.

And there it sat on it's fancy new cart
until we were all well enough to mess with it.

We did the "test" bread run and passed with flying colors
and then moved on to a load of THREE big bags
(from Sams) of sliced frozen strawberries.

It took for EVER.
(They say strawberries are hard because of the
little bitty seeds which hold moisture...)
So to be extra sure, when it said it was done,
I added about 20 hours of extra drying time.

We pulled them out this morning.
And boy howdy are they DELICIOUS!

The strawberry flavor is INTENSE!
So yummy!!!!!

Kyle took a bag with him to work.
(He's been in So Florida all week clearing
a guy's old overgrown orange orchard..)
And I've been sneaking them while teaching this morning.

I doubt they will last long.

The machine is busy defrosting.
And then I'm going to put in a load of
frozen kernel corn!
Another favorite.


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