Monday, January 10, 2022

Long Time!!!

 I've been sick.
So it was all I could do, to do those things
I HAD to do to keep my family and myself
going - and didn't have an inch of energy
for anything else.

But I'm BACK!
I still have a little congestion in my chest.
But I'd say I'm 97%.

Rod has been back to work all week last week
and is feeling good.
He was only sick for 1 day and then sleepy
for a couple of extra days.

Kyle was only sick for the 1 day and took
it easy after that.
I was sick for about 3 hours.
But it drained every bit of energy!


During the week I went MIA, lots happened!
We LOST the cat.
We FOUND the cat.
(Pig escaped - but when Kyle was mowing the yard
the other day, a silver streak shot out from under
the shed in the yard - PIG!!!!!)

Also missing seem to be all the RATS!
Which is awesome!
Good job PIG!

This is honestly our only picture of him.
He is VERY elusive.
But I guess his broken leg isn't giving him any trouble.
Kyle said he was FAST!
And the rats seem likely to agree.....


The babies are also growing!

Fancy eye liner!

I split them into two groups since they are 
growing too large for their little home.
I would like to put them in with the big girls,
but they will make little peeping sounds and 
although they are fully feathered, they aren't fast
and they are DUMB.
So they would likely be eaten.
I'm going to give them another month or so...
and then we'll see.
It's "winter" so the predators are out in full force.
I see hawks daily.

And of course, while we were sick we were
also focused on MOM and her health challenges.
SO happy to hear the surgery got scheduled
and went well!
Looking forward to hearing she is doing better
and better and better as the new parts do their job!

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