Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Bishop's Storehouse

 TODAY, since it's a new month and Lorna's
chemo / radiation is finished
(at least the part I'm driving her for...)
I had a Wednesday OFF!

So Kyle and I got up at 5:30 and drove over
to the Bishop's Storehouse.
We needed to be there at 8:00 and its a 
2 hour drive - through rush hour traffic.
FUN. (not)


We got to pick orders (which means we got to
grocery shop for other people... SO FUN!!!)
We are pretty good at it, so they wandered
off to do other tasks and left us to it.
We LOVE doing this!

There were lots of orders.
Some of them were actually mine.
(well, not MINE, but orders I put in the system...)

It was good experience for me to see how
other Relief Society Presidents handled the
orders and what I would consider 
EXCESSIVE amounts of food for a 2 week period.
(SEVEN packages of tortillas????? and NOTHING
to put in them? No beans, cheese, etc???)
That just seemed odd.

It was interesting. And I got to visit with the
missionaries who are in charge over there and get
some guidance and information that will help me
going forward to know what to order and when
to maybe cut it back a little.
(One sister wanted THREE bottles of laundry detergent.
For 2 weeks????? You couldn't even use that if you
ran your machine every day all day... I modified it.)

We both really love going over there.
The people are awesome and it is just FUN!

Then we headed home for a quick minute
and then back over to the chiropractor.
It seems to be helping...
and then to the dentist to get a copy of my
receipt for the insurance company,
and then to Tractor Supply to get horse feed,
and then to the house for a quick nap (40 minutes)
before I had to fire up the zoom.


I'm done.
I didn't take a single picture!

Here's a picture of Rod's guard frog.
He makes me laugh.
And who doesn't need a good laugh now and again.

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