Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Bye Bye Beach!

 Kyle is getting ready to head out to Kansas.
Not permanently yet... but it's getting closer!

Today after spending the morning at the
Bishop's Storehouse (and filling a BUNCH
of fairly large orders...) we headed to the beach.

The water was a wonderful temperature
and the bottom was SO FLAT he was able
to walk WAAAAAAAY out there and still
only be in water up to his knees.
(Until that wave behind him snuck up and
got him a little wetter than he hoped...)

It was so beautiful!
I got in for a bit as well, but I was wearing
jean shorts and those take FOREVER to dry
so I tried not to get "too" wet.
It sure was nice though!

And then home to teach my evening class.

And now......... BED!
(Well, pizza, and then some TV and then a rocket,
and THEN bed....)

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