Monday, February 12, 2024

End of an Era?

 This weekend I was in West Palm Beach.
Teaching with a new instructor.
I had Bill as an observer last month.

This month he taught the first day and a half
(3 chapters) and I taught the final day and a half,
(3 chapters) and he administered and graded
the final exam.

We had a good sized class this month.
At one point we had 24 students.
Unfortunately the A/C in this particular room
isn't very reliable and it got really warm 
on Saturday morning.
So when the other folks left the office after
their team meeting, we moved the tables
and students out to the main big room.
(Where we nearly froze to death... lol.)

He did a pretty good job.
I gave him my manual yesterday with all my
notes in it so he can continue learning the
material. I needed to break into his lecture
several (ok, many) times to correct information
he didn't have a clear understanding about.
Hopefully this will help him out.

Next month my job is as observer ONLY.
(Unless there is something I really need to correct...)
My boss is also going to swing by for a couple
hours to observe.
(My boss, Dan, REALLY didn't want to hire
him - he used to teach in New York and didn't
get a good recommendation from his supervisor
up there, but he's kind of being forced to hire him...
which of course didn't make him very happy...
so we are really running him through his paces.)

Yesterday was supposed to be my final
LIVE CLASS teaching.
Except when I talked with Dan this morning
he asked me to sub on the 23rd back down
in South Florida... Sure!
(Except I gave away my book... lol.)
I'll just use a student manual.

I came home this morning with a kind of
scratchy, dry throat. I stopped at the
local Tractor Supply on my way into town
and picked up some Ivermectin... I've been
taking lots of Vitamins, 
hopefully this is nothing.
I have to teach again tonight.

Glad to be home.

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