Thursday, February 15, 2024

Poor Puppy!

 Kyle Rotty puppy went out last night about midnight
to go to the bathroom and as always she ran
all the way to the back of the property,

However there was someone / something out there.
And they tangled.
Kyle was out there with her and heard her
start to yelp and cry.
He rushed into the house for a flashlight
but by the time he ran out there,
whatever it was, was gone.

She has a nice big gash on her shoulder.
Of course, it was the middle of the night
and there are no 24 hr emergency vets around here.
This morning we are trying to find a vet that
will take a look at her.
It probably needs stitches and she'll need
a rabies shot.


She was really good about it last night though.
Rod flushed it out good with peroxide
and then we stuffed it full of triple antibiotic
and she didn't growl or try to bite.
She just stood patiently and let him take care of her.
I doubt we will get the same response 
at the vet's though.
She doesn't really like people.
Or other dogs.

This will be an adventure.

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