Friday, May 24, 2024

Getting Ready

 Kyle has the trailer all fixed.

We "could" leave tomorrow, but don't really want
to drive in the Memorial Day weekend traffic.
And there is some weather between here and there
that I would be happy to avoid.

So we plan to leave Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, we heard from the City that our lawn
was seriously overgrown.
So I spoke with our realtor, who has several
clients who got the same letter.
She made arrangements with someone local
to take care of the lawns.
We paid and they did a really nice job.

With all the rain it's looking nice and green!
(In the driveway is the pile of new shingles
for the roof - they are supposed to be putting
on the roof and gutters soon...)

Considering the backyard is mostly weeds,
it looks pretty good too!

Can't wait to get there!

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