Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New Bearings

 Kyle has been having difficulty getting
the parts he needs to fix his trailer.

He ordered some from a company, but
it was the wrong part. Rod, the parts guy,
got on the phone and got the right part.
But it wasn't in stock.

The ship date keeps moving further and further
out into the distant future.
So yesterday they took the bull by the horns
and they called the manufacturer direct.

Found a dealer in Ocala.
Bought the parts, and jumped in the truck
and headed north.
(They offered to ship them, but the trailer
is physically about 30 miles from the store...)

Yesterday they did a quick trip up to buy
all the parts, then over to Linda's to install
the new bearings, etc etc etc.
But, as Kyle kind of suspected, the axle
was damaged.
So he is going to need a new axle.

They loaded up and drove it home,
arriving around 1:00 this morning.

And now, if they can find an axle, 
we might be making another quick trip.

But we will not be heading to Kansas
anytime soon.