Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day

 Thank you to all who served and sacrificed.
Both service member and their families.
I think we sometimes forget the 
families who offer so much to allow the
members to serve.

in other news...
Rod sold the golf cart on Saturday.

Turns out, while really fun, it wasn't
beefy enough for what we will need.
And someone was happy to pay $200 more
than what we paid.
Sold it in an hour.

Then we had a very lack-luster open house.
The theme continued on Sunday.

This morning we had a couple of gentlemen
come by - they were from South Florida and
seemed pretty interested.

Then Kyle and I went and bought new 
bedspreads for the beds.

More neutral.

Less teenaged college student.

And then we had another couple come by.
They also seemed pretty interested.

And then another couple came and bought 
our dining room table.

Looks a little different in there.

But hey, they saw it, they loved it, they offered cash.

We will probably re-stage it as an office.
And make the back bedroom a bedroom again.

Someone just pulled in.
Gotta go sell a house.

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