Friday, May 31, 2024

Welcome to KANSAS!

  Oh my goodness,

And we are so happy to be here!
(Well, Beau, not so much... but Kyle
and I are VERY happy!)

Ok, I only have a minute, 
but let's see what I can tell you quickly.

We woke up about 2 hours away (at a Love's
truck stop) and it looked like a big
rain storm was coming, so we 
hurried and got on the road to miss it.

It rained, but it wasn't a big problem.
Just a nice rain.

Made it to Russell (the town before Hays)
and pulled in to use the rest room,
chat with Soni on the phone
and then headed west to Hays.
Waved but kept driving.
On to WaKeeney!

Got to the house and Beau was SO EXCITED
to get to run around off leash!
Of course, our new hardwood floors
are a little bit like an ice rink.
Think Bambi on the pond.
Legs going everywhere, 
slipping and sliding.
But he didn't care.

We unloaded the stuff from our trucks
and then put up his crate, filled it with
his favorite toy and a bed
and locked him in.
(Poor Beau)

Then we headed out to the farm.
(We kind of decided to call it the farm
instead of the ranch. Not enough land
and no animals... not really a "ranch".)

Well, my blog server is acting up.
So I'll have to finish this later.
I need to start my class for this evening.

But anyway... we are here, we are safe,
and we are HAPPY!!!!!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Woo hoo! So glad you made it! I an m so excited for you and this new adventure! I will be living vicariously through you for a few years till we finally retire!!