Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Well, we got some really nice rain.
But no tornadoes, no hail, no damaging wind.
Just lovely, much needed, rain.

To celebrate, we took Luna out 
into the woods for a walk.
The poor girl has been locked in her
crate for almost a week.
And she still has a week to go.
She is supposed to ONLY do leash walks
for 14 days following surgery,
but Kyle has been letting her out in
the back yard a couple times each day.
We just aren't letting her into the dog yard
where she lays in the dirt.

The trails were slightly damp
but no mud.
And she was SO HAPPY!
She doesn't have great social skills
so we were also happy to not meet anybody
else out there on the trails.

It was good to get out of the house
and into the green.
So we came home and sat on the patio.

I baked some cinnamon raisin bread
and made a meatloaf for dinner.
Both were yummy!

Parts are slowly arriving.........
and we are anxious to head north again.

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