Friday, August 16, 2024

Cute Kitchen

 We have been working on the kitchen.

So it needed some extra storage space.

Kyle put in some shelves above the dryer.

So along with the shelf he put in next to the washer
and the little kitchen table I bought on Amazon...
it's looking kind of cute!

(I was making some pistachio toast from some
bread I bought at the last market...)
Beau's food dish is on the washer.
His food and water bowls are on the bottom
of the little shelf - keeps it up off the floor
and he seems to like it there.

Yesterday I went out to the farm to check on the
moisture levels in the garden and pick some produce.

Our first spaghetti squash is growing noticeably every day!

Some of our yellow squash plants are going crazy!

And we FINALLY have okra flowers!

I was going to head out there again this morning,
but right now it is pouring rain.
So... I'll wait and go later maybe.

I have to be around today because Mary H is 
bringing her produce over so I can sell it for
her tomorrow. She and her husband are in a
large craft show every year and its this weekend.
She buys used cowboy boots, cuts them off at
the ankle and uses the sole and the top
of the boot to make a basket to hold
wine bottles (or whatever you want...)
They are cute if you drink wine and like
cowboy stuff...

And then I need to teach my class tonight.

The bananas and apples are still on regular dry cycle
in the freeze dryer - they haven't gone to 
"extra dry" yet and I usually let that go for at 
least an additional 6 hours...

Then I have all those mangos ready to go in.
So my freeze dryer is good and busy.

I did a T-Tapp workout this morning.
And then I showered and ate my breakfast.
Now I'm on the phone with Rod while he
reserves the U-Haul and trailer.
And we just set our appointment to do a
virtual close on the house on the 30th at 9 am.

It's getting real up in here, y'all!

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