Friday, August 23, 2024


We had a nice BIG thunder / lighting / rain storm
about 3:30 this morning.
I sleep with the windows open (AC still broken)
(but I did even when it wasn't... thanks Dad for
training us to always sleep with fresh air...)


Luckily it didn't rain INSIDE the window.
Sometimes it does...
but that thunder was INTENSE.

Good news, though, since I am teaching a double
and don't have time to go out to the farm
and do a bunch of watering.
We also got about half an inch on Thursday night
(according to my rain gauge...)
so the garden is doing fine.



Congratulations Rod on YEARS and YEARS
of successfully providing for us your family.
We so appreciate all the sacrifices you have made
to make sure we were always taken care of.

One of the flight instructors (who is also leaving today)
took him up for a final flight.

They got to fly over our house.

And, of course, what's a flight in Florida without swinging
over the beach.

Of course, Kyle got to enjoy it from the ground.
(Yes, he has a serious farmer tan....)

I'm so proud of you, Rod.

Now, load that U-Haul and get up here!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

What a great way to say good-bye.