Monday, August 5, 2024

Under Contract!

 Our realtor is back from vacation.
And brought with her a new sign!

I'm so excited!

Rod has been busily packing stuff from the garage
and the shed and putting it in the tack room
ready for when Kyle gets there and they can load
it into a truck and head up here for the FINAL time.

He will probably retire on August 23.
And then they will head out.

And yesterday I very nearly got in my truck
and drove to Tucson as a surprise.
It's only a 15 hour drive.
I could have been there by today.

But my truck needs an oil change.
And it's HOT in Az right now.

So I'm looking at flying out in October
for Mom's birthday instead.

Don't put it on your calendar yet though.
Still in the "thinking about it" stage.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Man!! We could be chatting right now in person!! Lol