Tuesday, August 27, 2024

On the Road, AGAIN.

 The guys are ON THE ROAD!

Kyle is driving a 30' U-Haul truck and pulling
a car hauler with his VW Golf on it.

Rod is driving his pickup truck and pulling
the stock trailer loaded to the GILLS.

The zero-turn lawnmower is in the front.
There's obviously a bunch of stuff on top of the dogs.
And, of course, the dog crates went into the wooden
structure designed to keep them comfy.
They just did their first stop.
Luna (Kyle's Rottweiler) is a veteran of this trip
and she is doing fantastic. 
Bandit (Rod's Blue Heeler) is not.
She is quite nervous and a little unhappy.
But she will settle in.
Of course, years and years ago when Kyle and I
drove to Arizona with his yellow lab in the back
of his truck, Bison refused to eat the entire trip.
So there's that.

Speaking of loaded.

Rod put stuff on every flat surface in his truck.
The backseat has lots of blankets, etc.
But under all that stuff is another window for
Kyle's house - darn those Florida specific windows.
And, I think, a TV.

We just kick back our seats and sleep there on these trips.
So he filled up the passenger seat as well.
We have a lot of stuff.

The U-Haul isn't packed as neatly or efficiently as they would
have liked, but that's what happens when you have help.

It will be interesting finding places to put all this stuff.
But we'll cross that bridge when we get closer.
We will be building a larger house, probably next year,
so will need most of it. And most of this stuff is tools and
other misc. garage-type stuff.
But for now.......


Safe travels guys!
See you tomorrow!
(Or Thursday morning... depending on how it goes...)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Awesome! I have done that sort of thing a few times! Sometimes packed up well, sometimes not (due to help!) Safe travels and I hope everything arrives safely - especially the DH and DS.!