Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Monday

 Another busy busy day!

I started the day cleaning my kitchen.
It was HOT in our house yesterday,
so it kind of looked like a bomb went off.

Started another load of zucchini and some
okra in the freeze dryer.

Then I made breakfast for Beau and I.

Then I FINALLY left for the farm.

And when I got there, I had already filled
the water tank, so all I had to do was drive
up to the garden and get started.

However, I didn't go to the farm
over the weekend, so FIRST before I could
start watering, I had to harvest.

We got a good okra haul!
I'm excited to get them in the freeze dryer.
(And leave some for me to eat for breakfast in the morning...)

However this is what happens when you don't
harvest over the weekend.
There are TWENTY zucchini.
Each one is a full 12+ inches long.

We also got 18 yellow squash!

So... a good haul over all.

We got some rain over the weekend, the gauge was
still showing 1/2 inch, but I'm sure some of
it had evaporated out.
But that's GREAT!.

I finished up about 2:30 and headed home.
Where I had to bring IN all the harvest.
(The zucchini weighed a TON...)
And get it put away.
And then make something to eat.
And then sit down to teach.

However, the AC is still broken.
And I guess it was HOT in my office.
Because my laptop kept quitting.
(I didn't realize it was because it was hot, I
just thought zoom was crashing.)
So I grabbed the swamp cooler and set it in
my office and presto - it all worked great!
But it was a rocky start.

And SEVERAL of tonight's students know absolutely
NOTHING about insurance, which isn't unusual,
but these people just couldn't quite grasp the concepts.
It was a "fun" class.
I'm glad it's over.

And now I'm going to go cut okra.
And then I'm going to bed.

The guys are planning to leave in the morning.
Fingers cross for an uneventful trip!

They built a shade box for the two dog crates so
the dogs will get air, but be protected from the sun
and rain (if it rains...)

We heard from the realtor today that closing is ON
for Friday! WEEEEEEEEEE!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Great Pictures! We love honey crisp apples too! Also our favorite! But expensive here! Good for you for getting some FRESH ones! I Bet they are super good!
Safe travels to the guys!!