Friday, July 27, 2012


I'm not a food blogger.
I'm not a food cooker!

Jim, on the other hand, is a great cook.

A couple of weeks ago, he made a yummy "Hawaiian" sandwich.
We fell in love with it.

Last night I decided to make some, but had no bread.
(Jim wasn't home)
I often have no bread in this house.
We don't eat much bread here at all.

So we made it on tortilla shells.
It was good.
Not as good as on that yummy hawaiian sweet bread.
But still good.

Spam.  Fried in butter in a pan.
Yah, I know.
But still.....

Ok, so:
Spam, fried in butter.
Pineapple, fried in butter.
Cheese.  (use the fake stuff in individual cellophane wrappers.  We used shredded and it wasn't as good.)
Mango Habanero Sauce.
(Jim made it, we had 2 jars, we are down to 1... it's YUMMMMM)

It was tasty.
Give it a try!  You might love it as much as we do!
Course, you'll either have to ask Jim how to make the sauce,
Or google it.
I'm pretty sure that's what he did...

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