Monday, July 16, 2012

Yup, It's Monday.....

It started out pretty good.

I got up ON TIME!  (That's always amazing on a Monday...)
I did a great workout!

Then I went and slipped on my "outside shoes" and felt something funny, but whatever.
Then I went to the dog room to let the dogs out.
And was pretty sure the "something funny" was a bug.
So I slipped the shoe off, and out hopped the bug.


But the good news (well, not good for the BUG) was it hopped out and ran under the cabinet in the "dog room".  The very same dog room Rod just sprayed and sprayed and sprayed with bug spray yesterday.
So the bug is a goner.

But still....


Then outside to feed the horses and chickens.
The kids forgot to gather the eggs yesterday, so I got a couple!
AND Blondie finally layed up in the nest instead of down in the dirt!
So that was good.

In the house to grab a quick shower,
empty the dishwasher,
post a "Jobs" sign on the fridge,
and hard boil some nice brown eggs for lunches this week.

Speaking of eggs...
One of my students this weekend has 5 "Easter Egger" hens.
They lay light blue, light green and light pink eggs!
Yesterday she brought me 18 fresh, pretty eggs!
And when I looked at Blondie's egg this morning, it's PINK!
(I just figured it was light brown, but compared to Ine's pink eggs, Blondie's are exactly the same color.)
I wondered if she was an Easter Egger based on her coloring,
but since she didn't lay blue or green eggs I decided she wasn't.
Good to know her breed.


I took some pictures of the pretty colored eggs.

Then I left my phone AND my iTouch on the kitchen counter.

So...  no pictures today.  (or music...)
And no way to tell anybody about the missing electronics.
Because everybody's phone numbers are saved in my phone.
(Well, except Rod, but I don't want him to have to drive all the way over here.)

So.  I'm "out of touch" today.
And celebrating "Monday".

Hope your's is great!
(And tomorrow there will be pictures...)


Jim said...

Sounds a bit like my Monday! I got to work, on time no less, and upon getting out of the car thought, "Huh... How did I get here?" LOL

Collette said...

So glad I was AHEAD of you on the road! LOL