Monday, October 1, 2012


I had a doctor's appointment this morning.
Annual physical.

They gave me a whole page of "current symptoms" for me to read and circle
if they pertained to me.

I circled weight gain.
And hearing loss.
(but I wrote in MINOR)

When I went in to see him, he said, yes dear, you are gaining weight. 
(6 pounds in 6 months.  YIKES!)
(Like I hadn't noticed...)
So we chatted about how for each year you are over 50, you get to cut back 40 calories a day.
Why is it nobody tells you these things when you are young?

I blame it on my employer.
They moved me across town and now I can't walk to work.
Cost me 7 miles/day several days a week.
And a BUNCH of extra time and gas money.

Then he asked me about the hearing loss.
Did I want an appointment with the ENT lady?

Nope.  (she says)  I just circled it cuz I felt silly only circling ONE thing.
We needed SOMETHING to talk about!


I also brought him 6 freshly laid eggs.
In a pretty cup.

He uploaded every book written by James Patterson (and a bunch of others)
to my Kindle and has kept me in books for over a year!
Fair trade!

So, in addition to chatting about books, and eggs, and calories, and walking in the woods
(he runs the trails I ride my horse on...)

He suggested I might want to move out to the barn.
Cuz I'm healthy as my horse.

But might want to stop EATING like him.

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