Tuesday, October 30, 2012


She turned into a BIG storm.
Those poor folks up north are really getting slammed.

Luckily all we got was enough rain to put out our fires.

And now we are getting a north wind.
And it's COLD.

This morning it was 46 degrees.
In Florida.
In October.

I have my heater on my desk, blowing at me.
And I'm wearing a sweater.
And another shirt.
And a blanket.
And I'm STILL freezing!

I still have a little bit of Postum left (they quit making it!  Sniff sniff!)
I think I'll have to break down and make some.

We are only going up to the mid 60's today.
This is January weather.

I'm a little nervous about what this winter is going to bring.


Here's a couple more pictures from our walk on Sunday.

 This is what we call the Jeep Trail. 

Wow!  One of the very few pictures where Kyle is actually LOOKING AT THE CAMERA!
(He's not a big "take my picture" kind of guy...)

Yesterday was his first day of self employment.
He spent the morning buying supplies.
And the afternoon building a new work table.
And the late afternoon starting a new chicken coop.

Photos to follow.
Have to take some first...
(I was sitting in the sun, soaking up what little heat there was, and reading my Kindle.)

Stay warm everybody!
(I know, you guys in the snow belt are rolling your eyes as I whine about my "freezing" weather...)

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