Tuesday, October 9, 2012

So Much To Tell (and a video)

It has been a busy couple of days.
But not exactly how I planned.

My computer decided to "break" in my hotel on Friday night.
So I had to use my school laptop (circa 1847).
Luckily one of my students showed me how to fix it on Sunday.

Oh, and on Saturday my boss showed up at school to "check" on us.
(And to do my annual review)
(I passed)

On the drive home Sunday night I was on the phone with Rod.
*I have a really good headset that lets me talk hands free and gets rid of the diesel noise.

Glanced down and realized the "add water before you engine blows" light was on.
The gauge needle was heading to the HOT section.
Looked up and there was an exit.
So I turned.

As soon as I slowed down to 55, the needle went back down.
Drove 7 miles to the nearest town and stopped at a gas station.
Checked the engine.
Didn't smell hot.
Plenty of antifreeze in the radiator overflow thingie.

So, I drove the 7 miles BACK to the highway and headed home.
As long as I drove between 60 and 65, it was fine.
As soon as I took it up to 70, it started to overheat again.

So I got home a little later than planned.

But that also meant I couldn't drive over to Tampa for the planned T-Tapp Retreat!
(Yikes!  Just remembered I promised to meet a friend!  She lives over there!  Better text her right away...)

The class I really wanted to attend was from 8 - 10:30.
Then I had a conference call scheduled at 11.
And the other class I wanted to go to was at 11:15.

I didn't even get out of bed until 8:15.
Went out to feed the horses et al and it was POURING rain.
So I turned on the TV to see how long it was going to last.

Jim came out and looked at the rain and his motorcycle and didn't look thrilled.
So I offered to drive him to work.
Jumped in Rod's truck and headed into town.
Stopped by my office and took care of the school papers and posted some money
left over from Friday.

Then dashed home.
Got there and downloaded the information just in time for the conference call.
It was really good.
And a feather in my cap.

Home office picked 5 instructors from all over the Eastern US to help them fine tune 
a new program they are working on.
And they picked ME as one of the five!
(And the program is great!)

Didn't finish the call until nearly noon and then realized I still hadn't fed the animals.
Old MacDonald's Wife might get fired!
But there were THIRTEEN eggs in the coop!

Speaking of coops, Kyle and Rod are building me another one!
(For Rocky and I'm considering getting some new chicks for her to "mother")

These are pictures of the prototype while in early construction stages.
Kyle is hoping to make these to sell to the eager backyard chicken enthusiasts.

It's only big enough for 3 chickens, but that's all you can have in town anyway.
I'll put more on when its done.

Meanwhile, Sabrina left for work in Jim's car.
Kyle jumped in his Trooper.
Rod got in his truck.
I got in my truck.
And we caravanned to the mechanic's.
Rod told him what needed to be done.
Then he headed north to work.

Kyle and I went to Tractor Supply for some "dog" (horse) treats and another feeder for the coop.
And some new fly spray for the horses.
(The flies are BAD this year!)

Then to Aldi for some groceries.

Then home to work on the coop while I read more of my book.

And finally on a short horseback ride.

Watch this video CAREFULLY!  You might need to click on it to blow it up.
Watch Kyle's arms at the beginning!
This is what he does on our rides.

Sorry about the quality, but at the end, Andy decided to trot and I was trying to hold my camera
with both hand, so I put my reins down.

Take some motion sickness pills and hit play.
I loaded the same video twice, the first one is from my iPod.
The other one is the same video, but on YouTube - you can blow it up bigger,
but then you lose some quality.

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