Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Outfit

You know how a new outfit always makes you feel great?
Sometimes you need to get one because you've lost a little.
Or gained a little.
Or you just wore out the old stuff.

Hopefully this guy feels good with HIS new outfit.
He appears to be eating plenty of rats/mice/whatever...

Good job Slinky!

(I only catch a glimpse of him once in a long while.  He lives under the hay room and slips out in Andy's stall on a warm, sunny morning.)


Charlotte said...

Um, I just got a full body shiver. Don't get me wrong - I appreciate snakes (less mice!) - but there's just something squicky about them!

Collette said...

Yah. The thing I like about him BEST is I almost NEVER see him. Not a snake lover...