Friday, December 14, 2012

Private Tutor

I started my class this morning here in Winter Garden
with 5 students.

(As required by the company...)

At the end of the first hour, one lady left.
Her son had a court appointment at 9:30 and she needed to be there.
Then her husband has surgery and she needs to be there.
And she has 30 hours of continuing education due for another license.
She only has this week to complete it.


She left.

Then there were 4.

At the end of the second hour, another lady left.
She is studying to be a nurse.
She is taking her finals starting today.
She had a major exam at 10:00.


She left.

Then there were 3.

At the end of the first session, I discovered one student
was the Regional Vice President's husband.
He was only there to round out the five so we could have class.
But he has NO interest in joining the business or getting a license.


He left.

Then there were 2.

It's lunch break.

Anybody care to wager on whether / how long the others will last?

I'm not a big fan of holding class the weekend before the weekend before Christmas.
But it is what it is.

As long as I have one... I'll keep teaching.
Private Tutor anyone?


In other news...
My chicken coop made the "cut"!

We are number 2 on "The Art of Doing Stuff".

One of my favorite blogs.
Written by a Canadian - she has hosted many TV shows in Canada.
I don't know her.
But I love her blog.

Check it out!

1 comment:

Rod said...

That's cool that she posted your coop on her site.