Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day Four

"They" (T-Tappers) say day four is the hardest.
No Kidding!
I feel great, but whoooooeeeee, it was a killer.
Doing plies like to killed me.
(Southern expression...)

In other news, I have 12 dozen fresh eggs in my fridge.

The girls lay between 26 and 32 every day.
There is a white girl that sneaks out every day.
Yesterday Kyle moved something in the yard and found a rogue nest with 5 eggs in it.

He fed them to the flock.
They went nuts.
And then they got raw burger I found burned in the freezer.
Anybody says chickens are vegetarians never met mine!

*** Edited to fix errors and add:
Tonight I hard boiled 2 dozen - they peeled GREAT even being fresh.
Then I made a bunch of deviled eggs and
a big bowl of egg salad for sandwiches.

Is it lunch yet?????


Collette said...

That last paragraph makes no sense. it goes I found.... and the next sentence starts with anybody. But my phone won't let me fix it. Oh well. There is your word puzzle for today! LoL

Collette said...

Never mind. It's all fixed now...