Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My girls are laying up a storm.
I got 3 dozen today.
And yesterday.

And the neighbor's hens are laying like crazy too.
They have more eggs than they have customers.
Which means they don't need mine.
So I have 22 dozen eggs in cartons on the kitchen table.

Good grief.
I've been researching freezing eggs.
And thinking up creative ways to get rid of them.
(I have posters up at everybody's place of business...)
We are switching back to regular feed tomorrow.
I can cut the price substantially
(and be more competitive)
when I'm not feeding organic.
And most regular folks just don't care.

Since an egg forms in 24 - 26 hours
switching from regular to organic 
isn't that big of a deal.
48 hours after switching, the new eggs are organic.
When the neighbors want my eggs again, I'll switch back.

Meanwhile, the rabbit hutch is coming along.
I was going to put in a picture, but I can't find the ones I took the other day.
They are going to put the doors on tomorrow
and then I can take pictures of it all done.
That will be good.

The girls are nearly ready to be bred, so we need to get them separated.
I don't really want ALL of them having babies at the same time.

Spring has sprung.
and there are lots of babies everywhere.
Pretty soon there will be baby bunnies here.
Well, not pretty soon, but soon-ish.

1 comment:

Katie said...

THREE DOZEN??!! Oh my!