Monday, April 1, 2013


The first set of 20 chickens are nearly all on board.

Today we set a new record of 


Cute basket, eh?

That's a lot of eggs!

Maybe in a couple of weeks, we'll be getting double that.
But for now, I'm happy!


marcella said...

Awesome! I am quite jealous of your chickens - though I really only want and have room for a few. Someday...

Collette said...

Thanks Marcella! You would be surprised how EASY chickens are. I spend 15 minus in the morning feeding them and the horses.Evenings I am out there for an hour or so, but most I'm sitting watching them and the bunnies. Chicken TV is pretty entertaining...

Melanie Stewart said...

agreed, jealous of your chickens.. my grandparents always raised chickens but that was before I was born. Too bad I never got to learn from them how to raise them.

Collette said...

Hey Melanie!!!! Good to hear from you - haven't "seen" you in awhile... Are you doing ok? You should check into your town's code - most are letting folks have 3 hens (no roosters). They are perfect for in the backyard and nothing beats fresh eggs...