Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It's All Good!

Sadly, for him, the guy that shared Rod’s work truck
did something STUPID and got fired.

Which means Rod doesn’t have anybody to share his truck with.
Which means he doesn’t have to wait for the other guy to get back
before he can start his work day.

He talked to the Manager and got the ok to switch his hours.
Today is his first day working 1:00 to 1:00(ish)
Which is awesome!
He’ll have to deliver a couple of his loads during the heat of the day.
But he’ll get home before the sun rises the next day.
And he’ll have a FULL day off on his day off.

It’s All Good!

I have been messing with fermented chicken feed for months.
They LOVE it.
But it’s kind of a pain in the neck.
As I mentioned the other day, I have a tight schedule.
And it takes (what feels like) FOREVER to drain the feed.
And I spill it all the time.

I quit feeding fermented feed.
It's easier to just scoop dry feed into their troughs.
But they leave a lot uneaten. (which means MORE FLIES)
And I noticed the eggs were getting smaller.

I got 2 of those 5 gallon buckets from Tractor Supply.
They look like paint buckets.
Filled one with water and a glug of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
Then Kyle drilled some holes in the bottom of the 2nd bucket.
Put it inside the first bucket so the water fills the top bucket too.
And put the feed in the top bucket.
Let it ferment for 24 hours.

But it still took too long to drain.

Kyle drilled the holes bigger.
But it STILL took too long to drain.

I found a metal hook and hung it from the ceiling.
And this morning I dashed out to the barn before I worked out.
Hung the bucket so it drained into the bottom bucket.
Went back in the house and worked out.
Came out 15+ minutes later.

I'm happy.
The girls are happy.

It’s All Good!!!!
(I’m pretty easy to please…)

BTW - my shoulder is BETTER!
It's All Good!!!!!

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