Friday, June 14, 2013

Tired Tires

My truck (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE) has 270,000 miles on it.
My tires have 80,000+ miles on them.
Kyle regularly reminds me I’m a flat waiting to happen.

And since I spend a LOT of weekends running up and down I-95 at speed,
I really needed some new tires.

Memorial Day Weekend sounded like a good time to buy new tires.
They’re on sale.

And I have a secret weapon.

Rod’s Superpower is “negotiating”.
He got us an awesome deal on a fridge.
And a mattress.
And countless other things.

So I sent him out into the world to find a good deal on tires.

He worries about me.
So he didn’t get me the normal, everyday tires I would have bought.
(And would need to replace in 20,000 miles or so…)

He got me AWESOME tires.
I would include a picture.
But Kyle is driving my truck today.

Thank goodness I have a secret weapon!
Cuz they were $1,000!!!!!

My tires are worth more than my truck!
(Kidding, but sheesh…)
(I need to sell more eggs!)

Speaking of which, we are SOLD OUT again this week.
I found an awesome looking recipe.
But I can’t try it.
Cuz it calls for eggs.
And I don’t have any.

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