Thursday, November 5, 2015

Meet Sir Loin

We had a FUN and EXCITING day!

It started nice and early
at our friend's house
where we hooked up her truck
to her horse trailer and headed
up to a town called Dunnellon
in North Florida.

She had purchased two darling
little heifer calves and
we were there to pick
them up.

Aren't they adorable???

These are the same friends we 
went with earlier this year
when they sold their cows.

Once they were sold,
they realized they missed having
cows in the pasture!

today we remedied that.

as long as we were up there,
we decided to pick up
this little guy.

Sir Loin

Isn't he cute?

He is a little Florida Cracker bull.
Well, he was a bull.
But after we agreed to buy him,
he became a steer.

He seems to be settling in.
We are going to put our little
Florida Cracker pony in with him.
I think they'll be good buddies.

Now we just need to get the dogs
to accept that he's not going to eat them.


rktucson said...

Well is he? Going to eat them? Ha ha

Collette said...

They are kind of buddies now. But WE plan to eat HIM. Haha

Dad said...

You think maybe his horns won't grow?

Collette said...

Actually I'm looking into having him polled. We have a couple of "cowboys" who raise beef locally, was in a meeting with one last night and he had some recommendations...