Saturday, November 28, 2015


Here's hoping you had a great Thanksgiving!

We were VERY low key.

I didn't realize I had finally run through
my lifetime supply of turkey cooking bags.
(bought a million of them several years ago)
so had to make an old fashioned turkey.

Slathered it with butter and poultry seasoning
and roasted it low and slow.

Turned out great!

I'm thankful for my darling husband
who makes awesome
fruit salad!

I'll BE thankful when Kyle is done putting the
engine in his "new" old F150.
(Rod drove it back when the boys were little)

He "painted it" so it looks great!

A bucket full of eggs

and a yard full of chickens


and a cow who is 

It was a beautiful day
and we enjoyed spending it
quietly resting around the

Happy Thanksgiving!

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