Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th and NEW email

Happy Friday the 13th!
So far it's been a pretty good morning.
(madly knocking wood over here!)


It's been a busy week.
Tuesday night I had a Trails committee meeting.
Those usually run from 6 til ... whenever
we can get everybody to stop talking.
But luckily one of the members had to
leave just before 8:00, so when he left
we wrapped it up quick and left too.
(I've never made a motion to adjourn and
had it seconded (is that a word?) so FAST!)

We got lots accomplished.
And it's always fascinating to sit and listen
to these guys and learn the history of our town.

We are building a "storm shelter" out in the 
woods behind our house.
I think it will be nice.
a 12 x 12 deck with a 16 x 16 metal roof
so you have somewhere to stop and sit
and drink some of your water
and look at the scenery
and hide if there's a sudden rain storm.
Might even make a nice destination.
Bring a book!

The group put up the frame in December
while I was away teaching.
Tomorrow morning we are putting on the deck
and figuring out the stairs / ramp.
They were talking about putting stairs on one
side and a ramp directly across.
Uh, can anybody say BIKE JUMP?????
So we changed the design.


Then last night Rod had High Council down in Vero
and I had another Trails Committee meeting,
this time with our next-door-neighbor town
who is trying to gear up their own committee.
We are working on connecting the two towns
with a trail system.
(There is a US Trail Greenway that will eventually
go from Maine to Key West.  Eventually.)
Towns all along the way are bumping off that to
become a "destination" for people "doing" the trail.
The greenway is primarily paved, but there are
lots of sections (like ours) that also have a natural
component that encourages equine use as well.

We have a nice set of well built stalls at our
trail head so you can pull in, unload your horses,
sit at our fancy pavilion and have lunch, use our
brand new bathroom (that we worked FIVE YEARS to get)
and then head out.
Nancy came to visit and Rod, Nancy and I rode our
horses from our house to the Trail Head (no bathroom
in those days...) and the boys drove over and met us
with a nice picnic lunch.
It gets lots of use!

Anyhow, it was a good meeting.
Our town, their town, a County rep, and a 
Transportation Planning Organization rep.

I'm meeting-ed out!


In other news!

I sent everybody an email, but in case you forgot
or you didn't notice it 
or whatever.

My work email is changing on Monday.
It is now:

My old MIMA address won't work anymore.
Gone is the last vestige of our old company.
Out with the old, in with the new.
I guess...

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