Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Grandma Hanna

Today is January 25.
My Grandma Hanna's birthday.

I can't remember half my family's birthdays.
Despite the fact that I usually do a blog
post to celebrate my family members births.

Ok, I can remember MY family's birthdays.
And I know that Rod's entire family is
born in February.
(Except Scott and Rod.)
(And Scott ALMOST made it...)
But I have no idea WHICH day in February
belongs to George, Cille, Tim...
(And is Scott the 30th?  or the 31st?  I'm thinking 30...)
(But I could be wrong.)


For some reason, I KNOW Grandma's birthday.
Maybe because I tell a (made up) story based
around her birthday in my lecture each month?


Today is January 25.
And it's my Grandma Hanna's birthday.

Thankfully I have an awesome cousin
who has a HUGE file of great pictures 
on his Facebook page.

Actually, when I went there this morning
to swipe a picture of Grandma,
I noticed he had already posted a birthday greeting
to her on his page.
Quick Draw McGraw!

(He was also the ONLY human on earth who
was permitted to call her Granny.)
(I'm pretty sure it was a phase...)

I have a gazillion memories of Grandma.
But my favorite (don't judge)
is from the summer I spent living with her in 
her mobile home (she called it a trailer, hahahaha 
SO unpretentious!) in Gladstone.
She was working at House of Fabrics.
She helped me pick out some fabric and I was
making an outfit while she was at work.
She came home to find me struggling
with the darts in the top.

She busted out with the following:
"You gotta get the boob sockets right!"


I have called them Boob Sockets (quietly and usually
in my head) ever since.


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