Friday, January 27, 2017

And then there were 79

We had the missionaries over for dinner
on Wednesday night.

There was some discussion about the
current number of chickens.
Kyle thinks 56 - 60.
Rod thinks about 70.
I think about 82.

So when I went outside to close
up their coops for the evening,
I took a quick head count.
I came up with 80
spread over 3 coops.

And then yesterday.

Rod went out to feed the cows
while I was feeding the chickens.
He came back into the barn to
finish feeding the horses
and I walked next door to get paid
for this week's eggs.

During the 5 minutes our backs
were turned...

THIS happened.
Darn bobcat!

He popped over the fence,
nabbed a chicken,
leaving only a giant pile of feathers
and was gone again.


And then there were 79.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

I got some really nice baking dishes (William Sonoma style!!) for Christmas this year, so I am all interested in any healthy 'casserole' type dishes you might want to share - chicken is the best! We don't eat a lot of red meat here either. When it's meat time, it's usually burgers, chicken or sometimes "skinny meat" in our grilled cheese sandwiches! LoL (remember that name?)
So, feel free to send over any yummy casserole dishes you might have (recipes I mean!)