Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday Monday

Happy Monday!
And belated Happy Remembrance Day.

I had a nice, small class this weekend.
Only 10 students.
All super nice.
A retired English / Reading teacher sat
directly in front of me and we had
some really good conversations.
He was fascinating.

Saturday was just a good class.
Sunday I was tired.
Kept watching the clock and couldn't
believe I still had SO MANY HOURS
left to go... hahahaha.
Usually it's the STUDENTS who feel that way.

Finally finished up.
I was done "teaching" material early, so
the students spent the last hour or so
working on their workbooks and I
got all my materials put back in my
cabinet so I would be ready to leave 
the minute class was over.

Best laid plans...

A student had an issue.
And then another student had an issue.
And then I remembered the trash.

Finally rolled out of there 30 minutes later.

Rod called, they were on the road heading 
south, I was on the road heading north.
I had a good book (Baldacci) to listen to.
Glanced down at my GPS and had 2.9 miles
to my exit.
And then, there it went!

The next exit was 36 miles away.
And of course the road changes direction,
so then I had to drive another 25 miles
east to join the highway I was supposed to be on.
So I exceeded my mileage limit for the week.
(no big deal)
And I was an hour late getting home.
But I finished my book.....

The guys got there about 10 minutes before me.
We were all tired, sat and visited for a few
minutes and then headed to bed.

This morning we were up early again,
Rod had an eye doctor appointment at 7:30.
(He took the day off to rest up from 
working over the weekend...)

His eye pressure is great.
The doctor was very pleased.

We came home, ate some yummy breakfast,
and now he's out back, moving a pile of old
hay Kyle had pulled out from the cow's
hay shed and left in the pasture to dry a little.

I'm doing laundry, dishes, and blogging.

And then we might all take a nap.

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