Thursday, January 30, 2020


I have a GAZILLION things to do today.
So what am I doing???

Deciding which glasses to wear 
this weekend while I'm teaching.


Choice #1

I call these my Harry Potter glasses.
Brown and round.

Choice #2

Squarish and although it doesn't show up
well in the photo, they are blue.

Choice #3

Larger squarish and red.

I like the red color, but the small round shape...

I'll pack the all (like I usually do...)
but I'm thinking round / brown.
I haven't worn them in a LONG time.
This particular pair lives on my
dresser in my bedroom.
I also have a cute clear frame pair
in the bathroom, but they are scratched.

And a really DARK black/blue pair that
live on the end table next to my chair
in the living room.
And an ugly pair that lives on top of
the canisters in the kitchen.

The red ones live in my purse for when
I'm out and about.

The blue ones live in my teaching bag for
those awful times when I open my purse
and realize there are NO GLASSES in the case.

And I think I have another pair in the 
center console in my car for when I 
need a little extra help with my GPS screen.

How many pairs do YOU have?

*disclaimer - they are all WalMart cheaters...
**disclaimer #2 - IGNORE MY BANGS!
They are getting long AND I only wash my hair
once a week / Sat morning if I'm teaching,
Sun morning if I'm not...
They could use a wash / brush.
But that would require walking to the bathroom
and I'm not THAT interested in this project.
See above GAZILLION things to do today.

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