Thursday, March 5, 2020

I Can't Help Myself...

I sometimes NEED to get a new gadget.

And this week was no exception.

Have you seen these things?
They are all over Facebook.

I read a gazillion reviews and most were
very positive, so I pulled the trigger yesterday.

They arrived today - and I needed to do a load
of wash today, so test away!

Rod's blue jeans he wore in the garden the
other night and got dirt ground into his knees
came out CLEAN!

And I didn't have to use any detergent!

So far... so good!
(His uniform is all black and he works inside
in the air conditioning, so the only "dirt" he gets
on himself is little bits of aviation adhesive
and NOTHING on planet earth gets that off
so it's hard to tell if it is clean, but it smelled fresh...)

I think I'm happy!

(Yes, there IS another one...)

This fits on my kitchen faucet.
I'm not wild about the swivel feature.
My faucet is kind of low - I think if I had
a taller faucet it would be better, but its
not terrible...

But let me tell you.
We have a well.
And our water pressure is abysmal.
I can tell if I left the water running in the 
horse's water trough because there is NO
water in the kitchen.
And if somebody is in the shower it is
a coin toss which of us gets any water...

Even when I'm the only one using the water
it takes an eternity to fill the sink for dishes.
Or even to fill a pot to boil for whatever I'm cooking.

And then I installed (ok, Rod had to fix it
because I forgot the gasket...)
and let me tell you!
I actually had to turn the water DOWN
because the pressure was so high I was
blowing it out of the sink!

I filled my entire instant pot inner pot
in less than half the time it usually takes!


Another WIN!

(And no, I didn't do ANY shopping today...)

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