Wednesday, March 4, 2020


I'm all done being a truck driver.

Kyle dug the pond!

And we discovered we have too much dirt.
So I quit loading it up and dumping it around
the property because we ran out of places.

There are plenty of places that need dirt
on these 9+ acres, but if we keep dumping
and then running tractors etc, we are
reducing the amount of grass her cows
have for grazing on.
So... its one pasture at a time.
We finished Pasture #4.

And he left giant piles around the new pond.
He will move them over the next few months.

But anyway... I'm done.
It was FUN!

Yesterday I got my sutures removed.
No pictures.
You're welcome.

I've been putting Bountiful Balm on it
when I think about it (and when it's
not wrapped in vet wrap to keep from
snagging the "loops" on things)
(And from Kyle losing his lunch when he
SEES the "loops"...)

When I got to the doctor's they were VERY
complimentary on how well my incision has
healed - I reminded them I don't use Vaseline
and told them a little about the salve I'm using.
Dr. Porter said - whatever you're doing, keep it up.
This looks beautiful!

(He's wrong, it looks gross, but it's healing well... lol)

Our next ongoing project is the garden.

Last night Rod planted all the little starts Kyle had
purchased that have been languishing on the patio
waiting for SOMEBODY to find the time to plant them.

And then today I finished putting some
cypress mulch around the plants he didn't
get done last night. (The mosquitoes were AWFUL!)

Bell peppers (yellow and red) and 6 tiny little
broccoli plants that a rabbit got to and
nibbled all the leaves off.
You can't see them, but they are there...

Some sage and ... something that starts with a c...
and 2 yellow crookneck squashes.

Three little bitty tomatoes.


(And a bucket with mint in it...)

We're going to need a bunch more mulch
but we can get as much as we want for free
from the dump - Rod just wanted to put "clean"
mulch directly around the plants.
(You can see the free mulch in the first picture...
Rod got a whole truck load last week and put it
in the first "alley"... it's great mulch!)

And look! We even have three little tomatoes!

Bring on the salad!

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