Saturday, June 27, 2020

Egg Salad & Stock Trailers

I have been a HUGE fan of hard boiling
my eggs in my pressure cooker.
And it really IS a fantastic way to cook them.

But we rarely just eat hard boiled eggs.
Although Kyle loves deviled eggs,
I forget to make them...
Mostly I make egg salad for Rod.

And to be perfectly honest, its a pain in the neck.

Even though they peel easily, it still takes awhile,
standing there at the kitchen counter,
peeling the eggs, washing the little bits off,
then putting each one through the egg slicer twice,
and then mixing in the mayo.

So today I took the plunge.

I cracked 8 eggs (store bought) into one of my
"pot in pot" metal pans that fits in my IP.

It comes with a lid (there are 2 pans and they stack...)

I set it for 4 minutes.
And then I went out to the garden.

Luckily I came back in at EXACTLY the right time.
They need to cook for 4 minutes and natural
pressure release for 4 minutes.

This is what they look like when they are done!
I went ahead and put the whole pan into an
ice water bath...

I was thinking the best way to chop these would be
a pastry cutter, but I realized I don't have one!
(One of the few things I've never owned...)
So I just used those 2 little knives right there.
Took about a minute and a half.

Ta Da!!!!!
Fresh egg salad!

It was maybe 5 minutes faster, but much less annoying.
I think I'll do it this way from now on...


Meanwhile, OUTSIDE, the guys are still working on 
the new stock trailer.
Rod took yesterday off, we went down to Ft. Pierce
and picked up more steel and when we got home
Kyle came home from work and they got
quite a bit done!

It's looking more and more like a trailer!

They got the kick panels on the lower part,
last weekend they built the frame for the fenders,
today Kyle is welding the skin on those...

Grinding all the sharp edges off...

Last night Rod came home from the chiropractor 
with a new giant fan.
The patio feels a bit like the surface of the sun...

And now they are picking up new lights...


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