Friday, June 5, 2020

New Recruit Workshop

Last night I went "live" with the new workshop.
(I decided not to call it a webinar... workshop
makes it sound more interactive...?)


(And exhausting...)


50 people's names on a list on your screen.
You are asking them to do seemingly simple
tasks on their phones / tablets / laptops.
(open on YOUR computer the same website
I am projecting from MY computer and fill
in the blanks - mostly name / address / etc...)

And then once I have given them an assignment,
I ask them to click on the "raise hand" icon on their screen
so I know when they are done.

22 of them raise their hands.
Anybody else out there?
(Lower hands)
Ok, let's do it this way...
if you are still working on the task and need
more time, raise your hand...


So I decide 22 is going to be my "baseline".

Next task.

Ok, raise your hands when you are done.
5 hands.
8, 9, 12, 15...
Meanwhile I'm rambling on about random
stuff nobody cares about just to fill the air.
19... 20.... 21.... 22!

Next task.

Rinse, repeat!!!!!

It was a VERY long 2 hours.

At the end, I asked everybody who FINISHED
the tasks to raise their hands and gave them a
shout out by name. (There were 5...)
Then I told everybody who wasn't still working
to go ahead and log off... leaving (hopefully)
only those still trying.
Then I opened it up for them to raise their hands
so I could unmute them and we could talk through
whatever questions they had.
That was another 15 minutes.

With the BEST one being a darling lady named Rose.

Now, in my presentation, I project the various website
pages on your phone/tablet screen (via MY screen) so you can open
that website on your laptop and follow me (I should be
on your phone or tablet... so yes, you should have TWO
devices open... confusing, I know, but the ONLY way we
can do this...)

She misunderstood and was VERY frustrated that she
couldn't type anything on the form on her screen.

She was SO sweet and apologetic when I explained 
that the form on her screen was actually on MY computer
and she needed to open the same website / form on HER computer.
She was such a darling!
I tried really hard to help her not feel silly.
I could TOTALLY see making that mistake myself!
She may have joined the meeting late - after I explained
the process... but that's one of the downsides of this
whole "virtual learning" thing.

It's a challenge.
And our minds are S T R E T C H I N G.....

And I can't wait for it to be OVER.
I desperately want to be in a classroom again.
Teaching to ACTUAL HUMANS with
eyeballs and facial expressions!

But we are doing the best we can.

I spent 2 hours this morning sending an email
to each of the 50 people who were on the call.

And now I'm on vacation until the 16th.

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