Thursday, June 4, 2020

TS Christobol

It's June 4th and we are already on storm "C"!
Of course, the first 2 were a waste of a 
perfectly good letter...
Nothing more than a strong thunderstorm.

But Christobol is making his presence felt.

It has been raining off and on (mostly on) all week and
the ground is getting saturated.
Of course its sand, so it drains pretty quickly...

This is the horse pasture - the gate coming into the barn.

The cows are a little damp as well.
(and the chickens, ducks and rabbits...)

The garden is also pretty wet!
The beans are under water...

But, again, it will drain pretty quickly,
once the rain stops.
It's just supposed to rain pretty steady
for the next 4 or 5 days until the storm
moves on up into the middle of the country.
we are on the east side of the storm.
As they always say...
"The West side is the Best side".
Which means the east side ... isn't.

I did an update on my laptop this morning
and it is MISBEHAVING terribly!
Typing whatever it wants, but not what I'm typing.
Kind of annoying.


I'm going to be spending today re-working the
presentation I created a couple of weeks ago
and then doing a couple of practice runs...
one with my co-host and one with my boss
and then I go live with it tonight at 7.

And THEN I can get back to the batch cooking
I have been doing to get Rod ready for the 10
days he will be here alone while Kyle and I
make a quick trip to Utah to move Linda's
youngest daughter and family back to Florida.

More on that later, but I just glanced at
the clock and I'd best get on it! 

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