Thursday, July 23, 2020

Early Start

I'm getting an early start today.

Rod had another skin cancer removed
from his lower back Tuesday,
so he wasn't supposed to go to work
for the rest of the week.
No working out, heavy lifting, etc etc etc.
So he went to work.
He had a bunch of computer stuff to
catch up on...
And he had already scheduled Thurs and Fri
off so he could finish the trailer.

This morning he is off "work" so I got up
early to go out and feed the animals so
he wouldn't.
But he was already half done.
(And now he's out there painting parts 
for the trailer... nothing heavy!)
I put fish emulsion on Kyle's roses
and on my new little okra plants.
They both LOVE that.

Then I went out front and pruned the
bougainvillea that is right outside Kyle's
bedroom window and has grown big enough
that it bangs on his window when it's windy.
Drives him crazy.
And today is yard trash day.

Then it was back into the house to feed 
the dogs and then get Rod's breakfast started.
While the bacon was cooking I cut up a
fresh mango (it's GOOD! I didn't think I liked mango!)
And then headed to the "Zoom Room"
to email all my students from last night.
(I taught from 5:30 til just after 10)
We had 15 students last night.
Good class!

Anyhow, I smelled the bacon, so
headed back to the kitchen to scramble some
eggs for Rod and fry some for me to go
with my roasted okra.

Now I'm sitting in the Zoom Room,
finishing up my emailing and doing a quick
blog before I go get cleaned up and
head into Town Hall to work today.
(10 - 3)
Then I need to run into town because I fed
the dogs the last of the dry food and the
cows and horses are nearly out.

And then it's home again to make some dinner
and then back to the Zoom Room to teach
an Orientation Workshop from 6:30 - 9:00.



1 comment:

rktucson said...

I'm tired just reading this!!