Sunday, July 26, 2020

Getting Closer...

We are on the down hill slide.
Which is a good thing.
Because the guys are TIRED.
And the cows only have 7 days left.

Putting the new floor boards in...

Then Rod laid underneath and held the nuts on
while Kyle screwed the lag bolts tight.

They each had helpers.
Kyle's dog, Shadow, is laying by his feet
and Rod's dog, Bandit, is laying by his...
Roxie is running back and forth
and Beau is in the chair next to me.

Rod got all the lights wire up and 
boy howdy they work!
That backup light will light up the entire barn!

She's looking like a trailer!

We'll order a canvas tarp roof thingie 
(technical term) later. Won't have time
to get one here before we need it 
next Sunday and then it will be parked
under the big green metal building
out back with Kyle's Cat... so no need
to spend the money yet.
We will be getting a couple calves
in a couple of weeks, but won't need
the tarp for that run either.
And then the trailer will just sit for
a year until the next butcher run.
So no hurry for the tarp.


My new okra plants are coming up nicely.
The right side of the bed is all okra,
the left side is sunflowers, but I'm thinking
I might pull those feather duster flowers
and transplant them into another bed
and put tomatoes in instead.

This was supposed to be the herb bed, 
but except for a couple of random basils,
they didn't come up.
So I did another heavy planting of okra.

This bed is Kyle's pride and joy.
He just loves it.
All full of random flowers.
All grown from seed, with the exception
of the little orange and yellow merrigolds.
He bought some of those in the spring and then
when he was dead-heading them, he seeded
the garden with them and they went CRAZY!

This afternoon he went out and planted
338! new little seed starts in this nifty
box he ordered online.
All tomatoes and peppers.

Getting excited for the fall garden!

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