Thursday, July 9, 2020

Medical Memories

My internet group has been talking about vaccines
and remembering all the shots and little pink sugar cubes
and other medical oddities from our (way long ago) youth.

This is what I shared with them...

I remember being EXCITED to get mumps. I was probably 4... I got to wear a MUMP RAG!!! Just like the little kid in the story! (My little sister was still in diapers so Mom used a diaper and tied it in a knot on the top of my head just like in the picture... lol). I don’t remember it being awful... no worse than tonsillitis - which I had enough times that they took them out when I was 4... 

I remember my little sister and I getting ... the flu? Maybe? Or measles? Chicken pox? I know we all got those... Anyway, we were both sick at the same time but she was WAY sicker than I was and was getting all the attention. We were in our bed together, cutting out paper dolls and I stabbed her in the top of her head with my scissors. My mother was not amused. I was a HORRIBLE sister! (Again we weren’t very old, I might have been 5 or 6 which would make her 3 or 4, old enough to cut out paper dolls... Of course 55 years ago they LET little girls use real scissors with pointy ends. Bet THAT stopped at our house... hahahahahahahaha)

We had HOUSE CALLS! Dr. Meddlicott came to our house to treat us! He had nose hairs. (And our dentist was Dr. Payne... do these guys change their names when they pick their profession or pick their profession based on their names????)

Oh the memories.

In other news, Kyle and I went to the beach
this afternoon.

(And almost no breeze... it was HOT!!!)

The beach still has a 45 degree angle down
to the water... all the darker stuff is wet
sand and STEEP!

While we were sitting in our chairs
a little family of dolphins swam by!
2 adults and 2 juveniles.
The kids were having a GREAT day
at the beach!
Splashing and jumping and doing
belly rolls....
But then the Moms got them back under
control and took them on down south.

It was a fun afternoon!

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