Monday, September 7, 2020

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

The guys are "on vacation" which means they

They have been putting in the drip irrigation
system into our garden yesterday and today.

It's quite a process... much more work that I thought!

Each bed gets a main hose 
along with a shut-off valve so we can
water or not water a bed,
depending on what's in it.
And of course they need the brown
drip-line as well.

And we have a LOT of beds!

Looking marvelous, isn't it???

Meanwhile, I've been tucked away in
the back of the house in the ZoomRoom
doing typing for the Town and watching
gardening YouTubes.

But it's 5:00 now and I'm DONE.
(I'm not really, but I'm quitting for the day...)

I made a nice big pasta salad this morning
we had that for lunch today.
And pulled some ground beef out to thaw.
I think I'm going to make burgers.
Kyle isn't a huge fan of burgers...
but I REALLY want to taste our beef.

Last night we made fajitas with out own
flank steak and it was AMAZING!

Happy Labor Day to all!
Tomorrow the guys have a busy day (again)
and I'm working at the Town.

And then Wednesday we start our

UTAH - here we COME!

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